How To Get Amazon Best Seller Badge 2023 : Ultimate Guide

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If you’re an Amazon seller, you’ve probably seen the coveted Amazon Best Seller badge next to some products’ titles and wondered how you could get one for your own product.

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the Amazon Best Seller badge actually is and how sellers can earn it.

The Amazon Best Seller badge is awarded to products that have consistently sold well on Amazon over a certain period of time.

While the exact criteria for receiving the badge are not public, it is generally agreed that a product must have maintained consistent sales figures for at least three months to be eligible.

There are a few things that you as a seller can do to increase your chances of receiving the Amazon Best Seller badge:

  1. Make sure your product is well-priced and competitively priced against similar products on Amazon.
  2. Write quality, keyword-rich product descriptions and title that accurately reflect what your product is and what benefits it offers customers.
  3. Use high-quality images that show off your product in its best light.
  4. Make use of Amazon’s marketing and promotional tools, such as Amazon Sponsored Products and Amazon Vine, to get your product in front of more potential customers.
  5. Encourage customer reviews and feedback on your product page to show potential buyers that your product is popular and well-liked.

Following these tips should help you increase your chances of being awarded the Amazon Best Seller badge and, as a result, help boost your sales on Amazon.

What is the best seller badge on Amazon?

Amazon Choice Or Best Seller : How To Get Amazon Best Seller Badge

The best seller badge on Amazon is a designation that is given to products that are the top-selling items on the site. This badge is a way for customers to easily identify and purchase the most popular products on Amazon.

The badge is also a valuable marketing tool for sellers, as it can help to increase visibility and sales.

The best seller badge on Amazon is a designation that is given to products that are the top-selling items on the site. This badge helps customers to identify and purchase the most popular products on Amazon.

The badge is also a valuable marketing tool for sellers, as it can help to increase visibility and sales.

It is determined by a variety of factors, including the number of sales, reviews, and ratings. Amazon updates the best seller list hourly, so the badge can change frequently.

To receive the badge, sellers must maintain a high sales volume and consistently meet customer expectations.

The best seller badge is an important tool for customers and sellers alike. Customers can use the badge to quickly find and purchase the most popular products on Amazon. Sellers can use the badge to increase visibility and sales.

Amazon updates the best seller list hourly, so the badge can change frequently. To receive the badge, sellers must maintain a high sales volume and consistently meet customer expectations.

How exactly does the Best Seller rank work?

The Best Seller rank is determined by a number of factors, including the sales volume of the book, its price, and the number of reviews it has. The algorithm that calculates the Best Seller rank is constantly being updated, so the exact formula is unknown.

However, we do know that sales volume is the most important factor.

The Best Seller rank is a great way to measure the success of a book, but it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not the only factor. The number of reviews, the price, and other factors all play a role in determining a book’s rank.

So, if you’re looking to get your book to the top of the charts, focus on selling as many copies as possible. And, of course, always strive to produce quality content that will keep readers coming back for more.

What are the advantages of the Best Seller badge?

best seller

The Best Seller badge is a designation given to sellers who have consistently sold high volumes of merchandise on This badge is a valuable asset to any seller as it offers several advantages, including increased visibility, improved search ranking, and more.

The increased visibility that comes with the Best Seller badge can lead to more sales as potential customers are more likely to see and purchase items from sellers with this designation.

The badge also offers some SEO benefits, as it can help improve a seller’s search ranking on Finally, the Best Seller badge can be a valuable marketing tool, as it can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

The advantages of the Best Seller badge make it an asset for any seller on Sellers who have this badge can enjoy increased visibility, improved search ranking, and more. These benefits can lead to more sales and help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

How many products do you need to sell to have a Best Seller badge?

To have a Best Seller badge, you need to sell a lot of products. The number of sales required varies by category, but it is typically in the thousands. For some categories, such as books, the number of sales required is lower.

To see how many sales are required in your category, go to Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank page and look for the “Sales Rank” column. The number in that column is the number of sales required to have a Best Seller badge.

Badges are determined by sales volume, so you need to sell a lot of products to earn one. The number of sales required varies by category, but it is typically in the thousands. For some categories, such as books, the number of sales required is lower.

To see how many sales are required in your category, go to Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank page and look for the “Sales Rank” column. The number in that column is the number of sales required to have a Best Seller badge.

If you’re just starting out selling on Amazon, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a Best Seller badge right away. It takes time and consistent sales to earn one. Keep up the good work and soon you’ll be sporting that badge with pride!

What is Amazon’s A9 Algorithm?

Amazon’s A9 Algorithm : How To Get Amazon Best Seller Badge

Amazon’s A9 algorithm is a machine learning algorithm that is used to rank products in search results. The algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including price, customer reviews, and product popularity.

Additionally, the A9 algorithm is constantly learning and evolving, so it is important for sellers to keep up with the latest changes.

When a customer searches for a product on Amazon, the A9 algorithm sorts through all of the products that match the search query and ranks them based on a variety of factors.

The most important factor in the ranking algorithm is price, but other factors like customer reviews and product popularity are also taken into account. Additionally, the A9 algorithm is constantly learning and evolving, so it is important for sellers to keep up with the latest changes.

The A9 algorithm is a machine learning algorithm, which means that it gets smarter over time. The more data the algorithm has, the better it can match products to customer queries.

Amazon has a huge amount of data on customer searches and purchases, so the A9 algorithm is always getting better at ranking products.

As a seller on Amazon, it is important to understand how the A9 algorithm works and what factors influence your product’s ranking. By keeping up with the latest changes to the algorithm, you can ensure that your product is always appearing in search results.

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Conclusion- How To Get Amazon Best Seller Badge 2023 

Amazon best seller badge can be a valuable addition to your product’s branding. It shows customers that you are an authority in your field and have a quality product they can trust. If you meet the requirements for the badge, it is worth taking the time to apply.

Applying for and obtaining the Amazon best seller badge takes just a few simple steps, but make sure you read through all of the guidelines so that your application is successful.

Mike Alfaro

Mike Alfaro is an entrepreneur, writer, and ecommerce savant, who is the mastermind behind Mike shares his expertise by writing about various tools, guides, and insights on a range of e-commerce topics, including SEO, Amazon FBA, and marketing, amongst others. With over a decade of experience in the e-commerce industry, his knowledge and expertise have helped transform many businesses, helping them skyrocket to newfound heights of success.

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