How To Get Amazon Product Ranking 2023?- 12 Easy Ways To Track Ranking

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Amazon is the number one search engine for many businesses. Don’t you think so? 

Amazon rankings cannot be achieved through shortcuts. 

Understanding what works well with your product requires a great deal of trial and error.

How To Get Amazon Product Ranking

How To Get Amazon Product Ranking 2023

In 2023, how can I rank higher on Amazon?

Twenty-two years later, Amazon shows search results differently. Among the two parameters that Amazon’s A9 algorithm looks at are customer behavior and purchase behavior:

  • Intent
  • Purchases

Keeping these three aspects in mind will help you optimize for your customers. 

Search results are also influenced by the sales history of a business. You will rank higher if you generate traffic and make sales. 

Now that you know how to rank higher on Amazon, let’s look at what to do.

1. Make sure your product listings are optimized

amazon product ranking

Optimization is a continuous process that will help you improve your rankings and conversions. Both your product listings and your customers need to be optimized for Amazon SEO. When optimizing your listings for maximum conversions, you need to consider a few things.

  • A high conversion rate is generally associated with high-quality images. Also, include infographics showing how the product is used or its features. 
  • If you are adding images or videos, make sure to follow Amazon guidelines. 
  • Your product title should include relevant keywords as well as its benefits and variations.
  • In order of importance, list bullet points.
  • Backend keywords should be used effectively. Repetition of keywords is not recommended.

2. EBC or A+ content manager

It is an effective way to acquire potential customers using Amazon EBC (Enhanced Brand Content), also known as A+ content. You can build your reputation, brand, and customer experience with A+ content. A+ content has a higher conversion rate, attracts better reviews, and has a higher return rate. 

Amazon A+ content offers several benefits that sellers need to understand if they want to maximize its potential.

Listing optimization – Don’ts

Keyword stuffing is a bad idea

Unlike Google SEO, Amazon SEO does not require repeating keywords. Don’t waste your customers’ time by giving them unnecessary information. 

Punctuation should not be used

When giving keywords, use one space. Comma, dash, semicolon, etc. are not required. 

Use the right spelling and avoid misspellings

Related keywords are captured by Amazon, so you don’t need to add any synonyms.

3. Referral Traffic

Ranking high on Amazon begins with listing optimization. But, your competitors do the same thing. To drive sales, it is important to stand out from the competition. External traffic is the best option.

As easy as it sounds, it’s not. It does, however, add great value to your business once you know the formula. How can you accomplish this?

Identify the right customers for your business. Analyze how they consume content and where they are located.

Instead of directing traffic to the product listing page, send traffic to a landing page. How? 

The consumers may not have purchase intent when they come from Facebook, Google, or Instagram ads, especially if you are driving external traffic from these sources. Direct them to Amazon’s landing pages instead. Your conversion rates will decrease if you send them to a product listing page. 

You can track crucial information like clicks and sources using a landing page, and you can use the information to further optimize your listings. In order to grow beyond Amazon in 2023, you must implement this strategy.

4. Earn positive reviews

As a personal recommendation, people trust online reviews.  Additionally, more positive reviews are correlated with higher rankings on Amazon. Review ratings of high-ranking products tend to be better than those of lower-ranking products. 

So make sure to ask your customers for feedback and reviews.

However, you will experience long-term success if you build strong seller feedback. It is a critical indicator of your success on Amazon.

5. Always Test. 

Make sure that your listings, pricing, and EBC are up-to-date. Make sure that they are optimized for your target audience and SEO. Track metrics and A/B test. Determine which content converts.

6. Price competitively

Amazon success is determined in part by your pricing. The Buy Box is won in part by pricing. Shipping costs are included in pricing. You need to offer competitive prices in comparison with your peers. Make sure you keep an eye on your competitors’ pricing changes and revise your pricing accordingly.

7. Track your results

You should track the results after you have completed the optimization process. 

  • It is expected that sales will increase.
  • Make sure you keep an eye on the ranking of your product. 
  • See what your customers have to say about your products. Your search ranking will also improve due to a rise in positive reviews.

8. Amazon FBA for better delivery

amazon fba

The e-commerce industry has become accustomed to quick deliveries. Your e-commerce business needs a reliable logistics system. Sellers on Amazon who deliver their products within a day or two are in a bind. 

You can focus on other aspects of your business while Amazon FBA manages your customers’ orders for you. Getting positive customer feedback is easy with FBA. Your rankings will increase as a result. 

As well, you should make sure your team is capable of handling customer returns and refunds, as well as defective pieces if any.

Generally speaking, Amazon FBA will boost your rankings and get you positive customer feedback.

9. Your product availability 

You must manage your inventory to maintain steady sales, customer retention, and to rank well on Amazon. In order to keep your customers from buying from your competitors, you need to keep enough inventory based on your product demand. 

10. Choose the right categories for your products

At times, listing your products in the right category can prove challenging. Many sellers encounter this issue on a regular basis. When adding a product, do your research on the category to list it in. Make sure you choose the correct category. Poor visibility and low rankings may result otherwise. 

11. Rank higher organically using Amazon PPC

The best way to rank organically on Amazon is using Amazon PPC when you are trying to compete with your competitors. Your PPC campaigns can target keywords, so you can build organic traffic from those keywords. 

12. Clicks and Bounce Rate

When a customer opens your listing page, Amazon tracks the behavior of the customer. Your listing tracks your customer’s time spent on your listing, bounce rate, and which other products they view after seeing your listing. 

A customer who skims your listing and bounces back from the page is considered to have no interest in your product by Amazon. Rankings may suffer as a result.

Quick Links:


Keep your product listings updated and relevant to your customers if you want to rank high on Amazon. Additionally, you should monitor your Amazon seller central performance metrics. 

What are your best Amazon ranking tips? I’d love to hear them!

Mike Alfaro

Mike Alfaro is an entrepreneur, writer, and ecommerce savant, who is the mastermind behind Mike shares his expertise by writing about various tools, guides, and insights on a range of e-commerce topics, including SEO, Amazon FBA, and marketing, amongst others. With over a decade of experience in the e-commerce industry, his knowledge and expertise have helped transform many businesses, helping them skyrocket to newfound heights of success.

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